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UltiTools offers the GUI API of obliviate-invs, so you can easily develop GUI plugins without worrying about the implementation details of GUI.

Thanks for the open source project form Hamza Coşkun obliviate-invs

UltiTools-API provides two pre-made GUIs at the moment:

Paging Page PagingPage and Confirm Page OkCancelPage

Create a GUI

Here I use PagingPage as an example.

What I want to create is a 3-row GUI, the last row is the paging navigation bar, the first two rows display the content, click the content to execute the command. As shown in the figure below:


Firstly, you need to create a GUI class that inherits PagingPage.

public class WarpGui extends PagingPage {
    // new a WarpService, just for example, not necessary
    private final WarpService warpService = new WarpService();

    // You need to override a constructor to pass parameters, the Player parameter here is required
    public WarpGui(Player player) {
                // player who opens the GUI
                // ID of the GUI, you can set it to any string
                // Title of the GUI
                Component.text(BasicFunctions.getInstance().i18n("Warp list"))
                // Number of rows of the GUI

    // Override this method to set the content of the GUI
    public List<Icon> setAllItems() {
        List<Icon> icons = new ArrayList<>();
        List<WarpData> allWarps = warpService.getAllWarps();
        for (WarpData warpData : allWarps) {
            Location location = WarpService.toLocation(warpData.getLocation());
            Icon icon = new Icon(UltiTools.getInstance().getVersionWrapper().getEndEye());
            TextComponent textComponent = Component.text(warpData.getName()).color(TextColor.color(0xFF00A6));
            String world = String.format(ChatColor.YELLOW + BasicFunctions.getInstance().i18n("World %s"), location.getWorld().getName());
            String xyz = String.format(ChatColor.GRAY + "X: %.2f Y: %.2f Z: %.2f", location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
            icon.setLore(world, xyz);
            // Icon click event
            icon.onClick((e) -> {
                player.performCommand("warp tp " + warpData.getName());
        return icons;

Then call this GUI class in your command executor.


@CmdExecutor(alias = {"warp"}, manualRegister = true, permission = "", description = "Warp Function")
public class WarpCommands extends AbstractCommendExecutor {

    @CmdMapping(format = "list")
    public void listWarps(@CmdSender Player player) {
        WarpGui warpGui = new WarpGui(player);;


For more GUI API usage, please refer to obliviate-invs Wiki

Released under the MIT License.